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Startseite Produkte Bücher Kinderbücher Bildung OUR WORLD IN PICTURES TREES OF THE WORLD FLASH CARDS


Code: 266546
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Jahr: 2022
Land: Großbritannien
Sprache: Englisch
Einband: Taschenbuch + Box
Seitenzahl: 125
Grösse: 13 cm
ISBN: 9780241536322
$ 14,59

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Über das Buch
Discover the wonderful world of trees in this stunning array of fun flash cards for children aged 9+. Earth's extraordinary trees, plants, wonderful wildlife and more are all on dazzling display in this essential visual deck of fascinating flashcards for children aged 9+. Our World in Pictures: Trees Flash Cards is an indispensable guide to more than 100 species of trees, ranging from the mighty Californian redwood to the ancient banyan tree. Featuring stunning pictures and fast facts that will allow curious young learners to grasp a wealth of knowledge in a fun way! Each card contains snappy and accessible information, displaying each tree in beautiful detail. The front of the card will show the tree with a clue of what it is. The back reveals the answer, plus a dataset about the tree: its size, location and distinguishing features alongside close-up pictures of the bark, leaves, and fruit. So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to dig deep and discover: - The pack shows 165 trees from across the world. - Data sets on the cards include leaf type, tree shape, and size. - Front of the cards include Latin name and clues about the tree. - Bold and eye-catching images highlight the main features of each tree - their bark, leaves, fruit, and seeds. - Cards are two-sided, laminated, and packed in a durable cardboard carton Our World in Pictures: Trees Flash Cards are packed with information on the world's most amazing trees - from those that feed us to others that drip poison - to make you an expert in no time! You can use the cards to test your own knowledge, or how about using them to play a guessing game, quiz, or a competitive comparison game with a friend? Treasure seekers, get set to start your own collection with this engaging set of fun flashcards for children aged 9+. Learn all about the world one picture at a time! If you like Our World in Pictures: Trees Flash Cards then you will love Our World In Pictures: Trees Leaves Flowers & Seeds. Part of the highly-visual Our World In Pictures series, avid readers can explore over 1000 of the weirdest most wonderful wildlife and plants on the planet, in splendid detail with stunning illustrations throughout.
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