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Code: 266508
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Jahr: 2019
Land: Großbritannien
Sprache: Englisch
Einband: Gebunden
Seitenzahl: 144
Grösse: 15,5 cm
ISBN: 9780241410370
$ 14,59

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Über das Buch
Make good sleep an indispensable part of your everyday self-care routine with this step-by-step guide to resetting your sleep patterns. New science has revealed the importance of sleep as one of the key foundation stones of good health. If you've ever found yourself hell-bent with broken sleep, unable to lower down the white light, tossing and turning until daybreak dawns upon you, then this may be the book for you! This little self-care book will take you on a breathtaking journey of holistic healing, featuring: -A down to earth guide to tackle a wide range of sleep concerns with over 40 proven strategies -Detailed information based on a 360 degree approach to achieving excellent sleep written by an expert in the field -Features practices, routines and exercised accompanied by step-by-step illustrations Dive deep into the pages of this brilliant book on sleep to explore targeted meditation, movement and breathing exercises. Discover how light, colour, and sound could hold the key to healthy sleep; and find out how to get to the root of the underlying causes of chronic sleep problems. It's time to reset your sleep patterns to suit your lifestyle and draw on practical techniques to overcome common sleep disruptors, from stress to shift-work, insomnia to sleep apnoea. A recent UK study found that only 38% of respondents were classified a good sleepers, with around 1 in 3 people suffering from mild insomnia. New sleep science tells us that poor sleep is linked to obesity, diabetes, cancer, and even a shorter life-span! This book offers over 40 practical sleep strategies, to tailor to your individual needs and reset your sleep patterns to suit you. It is the only accessible and giftable book, grounded in sleep science, providing so many practical steps, strategies and top tips across a broad range of topics. Set out to answer a plethora of burning sleep-related questions you may have, whether it's: 'How can you improve the quality of your sleep?, 'What do you do when your sleep is disturbed?' or 'How many hours do you need for a good night's sleep? The targeted sleep-promotion meditation, movement and stress-relief exercise in this book form part of a 360-degree holistic approach to sleep, helping to make excellent sleep a reality for even the most challenged of sleepers. It's time to wake up to the true power of sleep, and enhance the quality of your life for the better. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So once you've completed Sleep, why not explore more books in DK's Little Book of Self-Care series? Discover how to make aromatherapy an indispensable part of your everyday self-care routine in Aromatherapy, or immerse yourself in the power of breathing to focus your mind in Breathwork.
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