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Startseite Produkte Bücher Freizeit Kochbücher DELICIOUSLY HEALTHY PREGNANCY


Code: 266551
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Jahr: 2022
Land: Großbritannien
Sprache: Englisch
Einband: Gebunden
Seitenzahl: 224
Grösse: 24 cm
ISBN: 9780241530566
$ 28,23

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Über das Buch
Explore the science behind your nutritional needs and the impact that your diet can have on pregnancy. With practical advice from Rhiannon Lambert, a leading nutritionist and Sunday Times bestselling author of The Science of Nutrition, this book helps you prepare for each stage of pregnancy." Recognizing the vacuum of readily available nutritional information to guide people through pregnancy, Deliciously Healthy Pregnancy is the myth-busting antidote to a grey area, previously regarded as taboo. While accepting there's no "right way" for everyone, Rhiannon's practice is based on the latest scientific research, and backed up with practical advice, tips, and recipes to inspire. Readers can go on a journey to explore: - The entire pregnancy cycle - fertility, conception, pregnancy, postnatal - showing how good nutrition can have a positive impact on each phase, and preparing the mind and body for pregnancy and birth. - An expert insight into the key nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that enable a healthy pregnancy - Includes over 80 recipes to be enjoyed by parents and families, focusing specifically on nutrition for pregnant mothers - Recipes have been thoroughly researched by a qualified nutritionist specialising in pre and postnatal health, breaking down the science for the reader and enabling them to trust the source of the advice. Split into two sections, the book starts by breaking down the science behind the advice, exploring the stages of pregnancy and being a new mum, with infographics illustrating the changes to the body, your lifestyle, and diet for mother and baby. Following on from the theory, the second half of the book is the practical side with over 80 flavour-packed recipes. Recipes can be customized to suit your personal situation: either to target a particular condition or symptom, or to cater for your dietary needs and choices, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten- and dairy-free. A must-have pregnancy cookbook for couples looking to conceive - this book is useful for both mothers and fathers alike! So whether you're seeking to explore all the stages of pregnancy, birth and weaning, or you're looking for a self-purchase or gift for friend/relative/partner who is looking to conceive, pregnant or already has a young baby, Rhiannon's practice is based on the latest scientific research and backed up with practical advice, tips, and recipes.
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