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Code: 221356
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Jahr: 2013
Land: Großbritannien
Sprache: Englisch
Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 502
Grösse: 20 cm
ISBN: 978-0-19-964166-6
$ 17,97

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Über das Buch
Now available in Oxford Paperback Reference Contains over 8,500 entries on environmental science and conservation Social as well as scientific focus: comprehensive coverage of the social aspect of environmental science (including treaties, organizations, and agencies relating to the environment) as well as ecology Over 30 highlighted entries on key topics, such as Air pollution, Chernobyl, El Niño, Gaia hypothesis, and Ozone depletion Appendices cover a range of related subjects including web links, international environmental treaties, the Beaufort Scale, the Richter scale, and the geological timescale Suitable for students of environmental science and related subjects, professionals in environmental fields, and the general reader interested in environment and conservation New to this edition Now available in the Oxford Paperback Reference series This informative dictionary contains over 8,500 entries on all aspects of the environment and conservation. International in scope, it embraces a broad spectrum of environmental areas including sustainable development, biodiversity, conservation, environmental ethics, philosophy, and history, resource management, sociology, and policy on the environment. In addition to its wide-ranging, concise definitions, it includes longer key entries on topics such as Antarctica, Gaia hypothesis, genetic engineering, the Kyoto Protocol, and the United Nations Conference on Environmental Development. The dictionary is uniquely comprehensive in that it addresses the social, legal, political, and economic aspects of the environment and conservation as well as the scientific terms. Coverage includes international treaties, movements, trusts and organizations, as well as biographies of key figures in environmental science. It also boasts wide coverage of terms relating to rural/community development and participation, an area with an increasingly key role in managing the environment and biodiversity. This places the subject of the environment firmly in a human as well as a scientific context. The dictionary is supplemented with an invaluable selection of 10 appendices, including international hazard assessment scales (including the Beaufort scale, the Richter scale, and the Fujita tornado scale), the geological timescale, and a list of useful websites for further study. Concise and wide-ranging, this is an essential work of reference for students and professionals, and anyone with an interest in the environment and conservation Readership: Students of environmental science, ecology, conservation, geography, earth sciences, and biology. Professionals in jobs related to the environment, such as heritage groups and trusts, government agencies. The general reader interested in environmental science and conservation.
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