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Code: 247958
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Jahr: 2019
Land: Großbritannien
Sprache: Englisch
Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 513
Grösse: 20 cm
ISBN: 978-1-787-46017-1
$ 14,59

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Über das Buch
The President is missing. As an unprecedented cyberterrorist attack cripples the United States, the President must face an unthinkable truth: There is a traitor in his Cabinet. His life is in danger. And the only way to stay ahead of the shadowy forces tearing at the heart of America is to go off the grid, leaving behind his presidential protection. The President must go missing – and he may never resurface… Set over the course of three days that shake a nation to its core, The President is Missing sheds a stunning light upon the inner workings and vulnerabilities of the American government. Filled with information that only a former President could know, this is the most authentic, terrifying thriller in years. ________________________________ ‘A bullet train of a thriller. The Day of the Jackal for the twenty-first century.’ – A.J. Finn, author of The Woman in the Window 'This book moves like Air Force One. Big and fast.' – Michael Connelly, author of the Harry Bosch series 'The President Is Missing is a big, splashy juggernaut of a novel, combining thrills with a truly authentic look at the inner happenings in Washington. I read it in one gulp. You will too.' – Harlan Coben, #1 bestselling author of Don’t Let Go ‘Yes, The President is Missing is fiction – it’s a thriller – but James Patterson and I have come up with three of the most frightening days in the history of the presidency. And it could really happen... These days, the seemingly impossible can happen. And it happens so fast. I believe that readers will not soon forget President Jonathan Duncan and his story.’ – Bill Clinton ‘Needless to say, we had some great conversations about the presidency, what life in Washington is really like, and about the state of America and the rest of the world.’ – James Patterson ‘I felt like I was right along with the characters for the shocking twists and turns you’ll never guess are coming. Patterson and Clinton have created a truly unique character in their ‘missing’ President. The President is Missing puts the listener inside the White House and inside the mind of a President grappling with extraordinary circumstances.’ – Dennis Quaid on the audiobook of The President is Missing 'Relentless in its plotting and honest in its examination of issues that strike close to our hearts.' – Jeffery Deaver 'A first-rate collaboration from a couple of real pros! Engrossing from page one.' – David Baldacci 'The President is Missing is more than a thriller – it's a skeleton key that lets you inside the head of a U.S. president.' – Brad Meltzer, author of The Escape Artist 'From the pens of two American icons comes a political thriller that rocks... a helluva story.' – Nelson DeMille, author of The Cuban Affair 'The President Is Missing is heart-pounding, gripping, terrifying... a genuinely masterful thriller. My knuckles are still white!' – Louise Penny, #1 bestselling author of Glass Houses 'Marry the political savvy of Bill Clinton with the craftsmanship of James Patterson and you get a fabulously entertaining thriller that is meticulous in its portrayal of Washington politics, gripping in its pacing, and harrowing in its depiction of the perils of cyberwarfare.' – Ron Chernow, #1 bestselling and Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Alexander Hamilton and Grant
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